Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Life since June...

in June we were getting ready for baby! In July, baby was born, the months since then have been a complete BLUR!!!! My New Year's Resolution is to BLOG MORE!!! (at least once a week....I know it won't be everyday!) My life is too crazy for that! I don't see how mom's do it! I get up, cook, clean, feed 2 boys, clean, cook, craft(if I'm lucky), laundry, clean, bathe 2 boys, put them to bed & by then I'm too pooped to even think about the computer! I'm trying to get the boys on a bedtime schedule so I can blog, or upload pics to facebook, or sew, or have some ME time!! I feel like I am on my feet from the time I get up to the time I go to bed!! I wouldn't have it any other way! I love being a SAHM! There are no pics on this entry because my computer is on my kitchen table and I am on my bum on the couch!! I'll catch up later....maybe next week! HAHA! I've got a TON of orders to fill and Thanksgiving to celebrate! Oh and BLACK FRIDAY!!! Can't wait!! Hope everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving!! Eat lots and lots of turkey!!! Night!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Ok so I've been a huge slacker for the past 2 months and haven't kept up with my blogging...be on the lookout for a huge post with lots of pictures....this will have to be during a naptime or when I have more than 30 minutes! I've been working on lots of new stuff!!! 38 days until Neyland's arrival!!! I cannot wait to meet our new bundle of joy....I better get busy on finishing up his quilt and making all his little accessories :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

14 weeks...

So it hit me the other day.......Neyland will be here in 14 weeks...14 weeks?!?!....where has the time gone?? This was a baby gift from mom and dad. We finally put the crib together Sunday night and my lovely 4 year old had to have his picture made with baby brother's crib. He can't wait to share his room. He's such a sweetie and has to kiss my belly before bed & when he wakes up!! So after the crib was put together, the living room looked like this....we had fun with the bubble wrap. Cameron used it as a blanket and popped most of the bubbles. Needless to say it kept him entertained for an hour or so then all four sheets of bubble wrap were all over the house!!!
I haven't been very crafty lately.....I've bought a bunch of material and things so hopefully I'll have goodies to show you soon. I am setting up a booth for 2 craft fairs in May so I need to get busy!!! Hopefully the end of the week will bring another post and some pictures of what I have been working on!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


I've been getting ready for a yard sale!!! Be back next week with new and exciting things :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring has Sprung.

Tomorrow is SEW DAY!!!!! After I put my blocks back into their rows (It only took and hour to lay them out the first time...when we pinned them together into rows someone-MOM- forgot one.....so now I have to lay them all back out and find the missing one its spot) hopefully I can start sewing on my quilt!

One of my girlfriends got me this sweater for Neyland to wear this winter so I embroidered it with his daddy's business! It turned out really cute!! The same girl that bought Neyland his sweater just had a baby boy of her own. This is his first Easter and she wanted him to have an adorable little Easter Basket......Ta-Da! I made the basket liner with help from my grandmother....no we did not have a pattern nor a tutorial. I don't think this could have turned out any cuter. I can't wait to see pictures of it filled with his "Easter Bunny" goodies!!!
This is my second project for the week. An apron! Have I ever made any sort of clothing before? NO. Have I ever looked at a pattern before? NOPE!!! With the help of my grandmother and mom....this is the result. I still have to put the monogram on...I ran out of time today! There was a 4 year old running around and driving me nuts. I love him but boy is he rowdy!!!!

Now back to cartoons, bath time, & puppies to love on. Hopefully they won't whimper ALL night & I can get some sleep.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Today was such a gorgeous Spring Day! Sunshine & sixty degree weather! Tomorrow will be gloomy! A great day for sewing!

This has been a very busy and exciting week around our house. I've been sewing and coming up with new projects....thanks to by life long friend who is keeping my busy!!! Our dog, Lady, had 6 (yes I said 6) puppies. I am so in love with each and every one of them. The runt is my favorite. I have always been partial to the runt....probably because I was the runt my whole life!

This is the material I have started collecting for my Tennessee Quilts. My husband & I both bleed Orange....our son who is due in July will have the name "Neyland." But I'm making one of these quilts for my Brother In Law. It's his very late Christmas Present!!! Hopefully I can get it finished in the next month or so....that is if I don't come up with more projects. Wednesday is sew day so maybe if I get some fabric before now and then I can finally start. This is one of my new projects. My girlfriend had requested a black, white, & red apron for her birthday...so this is the fabric and buttons. The stitching and monogram will be in red! I think this will be beautiful. I'll make me a black, white & pink one.....one of these days.
This is Lady aka LadyBugg! She is our Cavilier King Charles Spaniel/Terrier mix. She is a very loveable and playful dog. She is also a VERY good mother. I was worried at first but she caught on like a pro & watches us like a hawk if we pick up one of her babies. We now have 8 dogs at our house! Hitler (I had nothing to do with the name) is the father & our adopted dog. Our neighbor brought him home but he lives at our house. He has become very protective of us and lets us know when we have company.

Tomorrow will be a busy rainy day of crafting! More cutting, sewing, planning, and plenty of laughs with mom! Maybe reading a few more blogs. I found a baby quilt or three that I want to make for Neyland....I better get started!!! Now back to basketball and time with my boys!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Burp Cloths!

What new mom doesn't need burp cloths?? And we all know that we want them to be cute!! Well ta-da....cute burp cloths!!!!

I made the ones above for Levi Henry. I just love that little boy :) He is my test subject since Neyland Barrett isn't here yet!
If you want to order some, I am selling them in a set of 3 for $15.00, set of 3 with 1 monogram for $20.00 and a set of 3 with 3 monograms for $25.00. Please contact me for more information. maloriemeadows@yahoo.com or 615-426-7640